
The 8 Best Juice Extractors We Have Tested

Best Juice Extractors
Best Juice Extractors

The juice extractor is an excellent alternative to industrial products that can be bought at the supermarket and ensures a much more satisfying result on the palate. Not all models on the market are the same, some are more powerful than others, you can only process soft fruit or dried fruit, carrots, and other harder foods. Still, others allow you to grind ice, such as frozen fruit, and from which to make delicious refreshing ice creams. 

To make sure you are spending your money well and getting the benefit you want, we recommend that you check whether the model you plan to buy offers all the features you plan to use. If you still don’t know what to choose, below we offer you the best ones around, such as the first two of our ranking. 

Imetec Succovivo Pro 2000 Professional Cold Juice Extractor, is excellent in price especially if you consider the great versatility to which it lends itself. Panasonic MJ-L501KXE Slow Juicer, the cheapest but still very performing Bladeless Juice Extractor, deserves to be taken into consideration in view of purchase.


The 8 Best Juice Extractors – Ranking 2022

Among the proposals that follow you will certainly find the inspiration to decide which juice extractor to buy. Each of these products has been selected by our editorial staff because it meets the buyers’ expectations and represents the best solution in relation to quality and price.

1. Imetec Succovivo Pro 2000 Professional Cold Juice Extractor

The Imetec professional juice extractor amazes for its good workmanship that makes it possible to process any food, even the hardest ones. The juice can also be obtained from dried fruit, such as almonds or coconut, and carrots which have a harder and more resistant texture.

The gears that allow the rotation of the motor are in steel while the auger is in Ultem with diamond tips for a better grip during rotation. The extractor makes just 48 revolutions per minute and for this reason, it is silent and keeps intact the properties of the ingredients from which you want to extract the juice.

It is also considered the best juice extractor because it offers its own solution to one of the crucial points about it: fiber intake. You can choose between a fine mesh filter that retains dry waste, or another large mesh filter that allows the fiber to pass through the juice.


With two filters: You can choose whether to make juice with or without fiber by choosing to use the large or narrow mesh filter. With the first, you can also pass the tomatoes to obtain a thick sauce with perfect consistency.

Extra functions: This model has the particularity of offering a special filter to obtain a perfect pulp for making creams and beauty masks, recipe books for making juices, and cosmetics are included.

It can make sorbets: You can crush the ice and make delicious grattachecche in a few seconds and starting from the fresh ingredients. 


The double mouth of little use: The second mouth from which to insert the ingredients is of little use because the food must still be reduced before being inserted. It’s a footprint that could be done without.

2. Panasonic MJ-L501KXE Slow Juicer, Bladeless Juice Extractor

The Panasonic offers at low prices most of the features expected of the most powerful machines. For this reason, it is in a good position among the best juice extractors of 2022. It has a rather slow rotation speed and is able to keep the characteristics of the fruit and vegetables used intact. The auger is partly made of steel to ensure better resistance even in the case of greater pressure with the hardest pieces. 

So the separation of juice and fiber occurs thanks to constant and decisive pressure and not thanks to a fast action that favors the entry of air. It has a special filter to process ice or frozen ingredients such as fruit or yogurt. In this way, you can fully enjoy the pleasure of a sorbet without adding sugars or other unhealthy additives.

When it comes to determining how to choose a good juice extractor, it is good to know exactly what you can get. This extractor also offers many recipes available for you to try.


Economical: Powerful and well made, it is also offered at a very low price that makes you want to buy.

With ice accessory: With the special filter you can process the pieces of ice, fruit, or frozen yogurt to obtain the sorbet in a few moments.

Many recipes: By accessing the site you can consult many recipes and combinations that can delight the palate.


Wet pulp: The scraps produced by this extractor are not the driest so either you agree to lose some product or you can make biscuits. 

3. Kenwood Extractor, 150W 1.3 Liter MOD JMP601SI

Kenwood has created an inexpensive extractor that knows how to give great satisfaction. In fact, it is designed to obtain over 80% of the juice from processed foods. The fibrous part obtained from processing can be consumed differently, perhaps preparing sweets or freeze-dried vegetable broth.

The squeezing is slow and so the amount of air passing through is less and the juice retains a greater amount of essential vitamins and nutrients. Included is the accessory to make sorbets, a filter specially designed to transform ice and frozen fruit into pleasant desserts.

The capacity is substantial, the juice container holds up to a liter, while the waste container holds even more. Here we suggest where to buy the extractor to evaluate if it can really meet your needs, we suggest you use the table below to compare its characteristics with the other extractors.


Powerful and effective: It has a 150 watt motor that also allows you to process ice and frozen fruit to make pleasant sorbets.

Compact design: Does not take up much space on the worktop so you can always keep it handy for use for breakfast or snacks.

Spacious: The jug for the juice is one liter, while the one for containing the waste is even larger.


Difficult to clean: Although there is a rinse function, this extractor is one of the most tedious to keep tidy after use.

4. Philips Extractors Microjuicer Juice Extractor MOD HR1894 / 80

Philips offers a different alternative to the usual extractor by developing an appliance that transforms the basic ingredients with an innovative process. Here a new technology is used, called Micro Masticating, a real “chewing” that reduces food into extremely small fragments and then extracts the juice.

The result is a denser juice because it includes a part of the fiber that is not completely discarded by the processing process. It is one of the best sellers despite the different functioning and the higher production of residue during processing.

The filter is missing and therefore it is also particularly easy to clean. A part of the fiber is discarded as the machine turns and is held before the tap and falls into the special container.

You can process everything from soft to hard fruit or starchy fruit, such as bananas. Dried and frozen fruit can be processed with good results.


Sieve-free technology: A different system of extracting the juice that chops into smaller and smaller pieces until the cell membranes break, just as if they were chewing.

All fruit and vegetables: Even vegetables with the most fiber, leaves, and dried or frozen fruit can be processed, although not the cheapest it is certainly one of the most versatile extractors.

Easy cleaning: The lack of the filter makes it easier to rinse the entire block, and there is also a dedicated program that removes up to the last particles of the product.


Masticator: The juices are less clear because, lacking the filter, a large part of the fibers can pass through the strainer.

5. RGV Juice Art Digital Extractor, 200W

RGV makes its own version of the low-priced extractor that wins the interest of consumers. In fact, in comparison with other more expensive models, it still manages to satisfy the needs of many.

It allows the adjustment of the rotation speed, slower or faster according to the type of ingredient to be processed. In this way, you can indulge in many pleasures and use them to the fullest of the expected potential. 

Among the models sold online, this cuts a good figure because it allows you to keep your shopping low but without giving up sorbets and almond milk. It has a special filter to process the sorbets from which the waste must not be extracted.

It has a front control panel that can be controlled with the touch keys, a convenient solution because it allows you to choose the type of juice to obtain. It can be set differently based on the consistency of the ingredients, their fibrousness, or hardness as in the case of ice.


Very economical: This extractor is very affordable and is also useful for processing ingredients of different consistency and compactness.

With sorbet filter: The power is sufficient to process even particularly hard ingredients such as frozen fruit or ice.

With recipe book: To learn how to use the extractor you can count on the numerous recipes present that help you become familiar with this device.


Careless finishes: The price is always an alarm bell, in this case, it is low because the overall quality of the details is not taken care of at best.

6. Hurom Stainless steel MOD H-AI-SBE20 HP-IIE12

Hurom is the brand that was among the first to market and makes this new appliance famous and much appreciated and present in so many homes. This model has the advantage of being made with very solid and resistant materials that withstand intensive use even with hard ingredients.

At first glance, it may seem overly expensive. In fact, it does not include accessories and the coarse filter must be purchased separately if you want to obtain more dense and fibrous juice, perhaps to prepare velvety or sauces.

Compared to the standards of the brand, this is among the most interesting offers. In fact, the considerable cost is much lower than that of the larger and more powerful models of the same brand.

The rotation is about 43 revolutions per minute and the waste produced is perfectly dry. This means that almost all of the juice can be obtained from fruit and vegetables. There are no particular limitations regarding the use that can be made of it, in fact, it processes any ingredient with very satisfactory results.


Leading brand: The performance of this extractor is among the highest while presenting characteristics similar to those of the lower price range models.

43 revolutions per minute: Slow but relentless, the extractor manages to extract the juice from any ingredient, returning a completely dry waste.

Suitable for any ingredient: Leaves, soft and juicy fruit or hard and dry, everything you want to process is perfectly homogeneous and with the right density.


Expensive: This doesn’t even represent the highest range of Hurom products yet it is among the most expensive in our ranking.

7. Hotpoint-Ariston Juice Extractor MOD SJ 4010 AX1

Hotpoint signs this impressive cold extractor with a remarkable power of 400 watts. It has a solid and robust structure thanks to the significant presence of metal in the body and hard plastic in the parts in contact with food.

It is a basic model, so it is not equipped with the most innovative functions of the second-generation extractors. For example, it is not recommended to use ice or frozen fruit here. 

The rotation speed is also higher than most of the devices on the market, with 70 revolutions per minute. All in all not a bad performance but faster than other models. On the other hand, it boasts a more solid and robust structure than the other models in the same price range but with less reliable mechanics.


Powerful but at a good price: Can be used to process ripe fruit as well as green leafy and high-fiber vegetables. All at a competitive price.

With recipes included: Very original and easy to reproduce, the recipes indicated are really interesting and offer ideas to copy successfully.

400 W: The motor is able to process a good number of foods without overloading thanks to the particular power. 


Does not process ice: It is not possible to crush ice or frozen fruit to avoid damaging the auger.

8. Girmi SW10 Juice Extractor

Girmi is the brand of the model that closes our ranking. It is an economic solution, designed for those who are approaching this type of food transformation for the first time and do not want to spend large amounts.

The new model of the Italian brand wins many positive opinions due to its good workmanship and interesting performance. For example, it reaches a speed of just 55 revolutions per minute, ideal for not overheating fruit and vegetables and therefore not altering the content of essential vitamins and nutrients.

The engine is powerful and capable of crushing even the most compact and hard ingredients, so satisfying results can be obtained and many tasty recipes can be reproduced. To facilitate the cleaning of the filter and auger, there is a reverse button that rotates the motor in the opposite direction. This way, if pieces remain stuck, it is easier to unlock them and continue to extract juice from the chosen ingredients.

Included is a practical recipe book that inspires and suggests how to make good use of this tool to obtain all the desired benefits.


Very economical: The price is very attractive and for this reason, all those who are intrigued by this method of extracting the juices from your favorite vegetables and fruit are tempted to buy.

Reverse function: You can change the direction of rotation to release any traffic jams and to make cleaning after use easier.

Metal filter: Even if the price is low, there is also a filter with a metal micro-texture to retain the fiber and better separate it from the juice.


Basic model: It is not possible to process frozen food or ice to make sorbets.

How to choose the best juice extractor 

The choice of a good extractor must also pass from the careful evaluation of the possibilities it can offer and the type of use that one intends to make of it. There are some elements to evaluate, first of all, the type of ingredients to be processed and the desired result.

Even the juice extracted from fruit and vegetables is not free from contraindications, but if it represents an element of a more complex and varied diet it can be able to make it more colorful and lively.

Cold extraction

This type of fruit and vegetable processing is relatively recent and has attracted the attention of many consumers in a short time, attracted by the possibility of maximizing the benefits associated with the consumption of fruit and vegetables.

It is a type of processing that no other domestic robot allows to obtain. The protagonists of this process are the extremely slow rotation and the constant and relentless work of the auger, the screw press that crushes and breaks down the pulp from the juice it contains. 

The pressure has a very different action compared to the traditional effect of the blades of a food processor, such as the classic blender or food processor. The main one concerns the lower entry of air into the liquid obtained which slows down the oxidation process and therefore the decay of nutrients.

Differences with the centrifuge

The centrifuged juice, so fashionable until a few decades ago, gives way to the most performing extractor. The reason is that the rotation speed used to separate the pulp from the juice also implies a greater entry of air into the extracted juice. 

In this way, the part of whey and the part that still includes traces of fiber are separated more quickly. Even the amount of waste is greater with the centrifuge, in fact, these are better suited to be recycled for other recipes.

Why choose it with a wide mouth

Cutting food into small parts results in greater exposure to air and therefore faster oxidation. Fruit should be consumed as it is, if possible with all the peel and certainly the main rule is to let as little time pass as possible between the moment in which it is peeled and that in which it is consumed.

But when you extract the juice, you consider the long wait until you fill the glass with juice to drink. To limit the action of the air as much as possible, a very wide mouth should be preferred, which favors the insertion of large pieces of fruit and vegetables that are processed without difficulty by the auger.

Frequent questions

How does a juice extractor work?

The principle behind the functioning of the extractor is very different from the traditional food processor. There are no blades that slice until the ingredients are finely chopped and neither is the rotation speed to break the link between fiber and juice. Instead, it is a press that screws around the pieces of fruit and vegetables to crush them and thus separate the two components. The extremely slow and constant action of the press allows to limit the entry of air and therefore ensures the best preservation of vitamins.

What is the fruit extractor used for?

By depriving the fruit and vegetables of the fibrous part, the noblest part of the plant is immediately available, the one rich in nutrients and precious elements for our health. So you can make juices from different ingredients to get an immediate beneficial effect. A lot of energy and charge goes straight to the stomach almost without having to go through digestion to be processed. 

With the extractor, you can also make vegetable milk, such as almond, hazelnut, and coconut milk, or you can prepare tasty sorbets starting from frozen fruit or from the same ice cubes. These features are available only in the latest generation models or in particularly solid and robust ones.

What precautions for people with diabetes?

People who have severe dysfunctions that do not allow the correct absorption of sugars must be very careful. In fact, the fruit has a high glycemic content which can pose a health risk to those suffering from diseases such as diabetes. The glycemic peak linked to fruit intake increases if it is not mediated by the fiber which partially slows down its absorption. For this reason, it is recommended not to take more than 150ml of juice per day. 

Yet recently, a new study published in Nutrition and Diabetes in 2017 appears to disprove this belief. In fact, it seems that the juice obtained with extractors and taken at the end of meals can have a lower impact on the increase in the glycemic index, that is, the amount of sugar present in the blood. 

The comparison was made by comparing the results of patients who ate whole fruit at the end of the meal and those who ate the same type of fruit but pressed with the extractor. A very interesting discovery that promises to radically change the way people approach nutrition.

How do integrate the fibers?

The fiber that represents the waste from fruit and vegetable processing is in many cases still usable. While it doesn’t taste as good as it is, it can be used as an ingredient in other preparations. There are numerous recipes that allow you to take advantage of the fiber that results from the extraction of the juice. By taking the juice and fiber used to prepare muffins or pancakes in combination, you can make breakfasts or complete snacks to indulge in a very tasty break.

Does fruit juice make you fat?

In general, it is not recommended to take a high amount of sugars in the daily diet, including those that are naturally present in the fruit. Our metabolism is greatly weakened and compromised by the excessive intake of sugars. 

When sugars are simple, as in the case of refined sugar, they represent a real poison for the body. In general, it is good to remember that overdoing fruit juice represents an excess that should be carefully managed as required by the rule of balanced nutrition.

How to use a juice extractor

To make a good juice with fruit and vegetables, it is important to choose seasonal and well-ripened products. The reason is that the juice and nutrient content will be higher, but it will also be tastier.

What to watch out for when taking live juice

You will have the feeling of being able to make a complete meal by maximizing the absorption of the noblest parts of the plant. But we must be careful: our body needs fiber even if it apparently has no nutritional properties.

So the extractor must be a precious tool that completes the balanced and varied diet that our body needs. One way to get the most out of fruit and vegetables, but can also be counterproductive. 

In fact, the contribution of fibers contained in vegetables and in particular that of fruit slows the absorption of naturally present sugars. There is therefore a risk of assuming a very high glycemic load if you do not know for sure how to balance the quantities of fruit and vegetables to be squeezed to obtain a pleasant juice.

Make carrot juice and vegetable milk

The best extractors spin at extremely slow speeds but combine a very important engine power. The element that presses the fruit, the auger, is able to press any ingredient when it is made with extremely compact and hard materials, as in the case of Ultem.

These models in particular can crush even the most compact and resistant ingredients, such as dried fruit, carrots, or ice. It is good to make sure that the chosen model is able to make this effort in order not to run the risk of some component shattering.

What to do with the pulp

Some extractors are able to extract more juice than others, returning a more or less dry waste. Especially the models that do not squeeze the fibrous part of fruit and vegetables to the maximum, can offer an interesting starting point for alternative uses.

Among the most popular are the biscuits to be made by mixing the remains of the extraction with other ingredients such as eggs or flour. Interesting recipes also offer pancakes, cakes, muffins or even the nut to be obtained by drying and then chopping the fiber.

An alternative but very interesting use is to use waste for cosmetics. Although largely the scraps have been deprived of the noble parts, they continue to maintain the useful characteristics to be exploited to make masks and creams to be applied to the skin or hair.

About author


Funny and Friendly. Got a lot of time to cook and do experiment in cooking. Also Health-conscious try different types of juice for a healthy life.
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