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How Long Does Celery Juice Last In The Fridge? 6 Facts

How Long Does Celery Juice Last In The Fridge
How Long Does Celery Juice Last In The Fridge

Celery juice is getting more and more popular day by day among health-conscious juice lovers. But why? Because every single drop of fresh celery juice can give your body an instant health boost as it is packed with calcium, potassium, as well as vitamins. That’s beneficial!

Celery juice that is unique in taste can also help your body to stay hydrated throughout the day. Though you may not like the taste when you consume it for the very first time, you will get used to it over time. 

As you’re into juicing celery, you might have wondered how long does celery juice last in the fridge, right? 

Simply put, if you place your juice in a refrigerator for later use, it can last for around 2 to 3 days. Try to keep the juice in the fridge as soon as possible to prolong its shelf life. 

How Long Last In The Freezer?

In the freezer, it will remain fresh for up to around 6 months if the jar is properly sealed. Mind you, if stored in the fridge, the juice will gradually lose its essential nutrients. 

This is exactly why I would always recommend you drink your fresh juice right after it’s been squeezed so you can get all the nutritional value of the juice. 

And, at room temperature, it can last for around 24 hours. But, if the temperature of your room is too hot, you cannot expect it to stay fresh for longer than just a few hours.

So, without further ado, let’s get to know a bit more about this topic!

The Shelf Life Of Celery Juice (Chart)


    Room Temperature
    2-3 Days6 Months  1 Day

Can Celery Juice Go Bad?

Of course, it can. Celery juice goes bad if you store it in the fridge or at room temperature for an extended period of time. 

Drinking celery juice that’s gone bad already will cause bloating to you. This is why it is recommended to consume the juice immediately after you blend it or in 24 hours to get the most out of it.

Now the question is, how do you know whether or not your celery juice has spoilt? 

Well, listed below are a few of the indicators you should pay attention to: 

How Long Does Celery Juice Last In The Fridge
Can Celery Juice Go Bad

1. Changes in color: 

Unless you drink the juice while being fresh, it will discolor over time and become darker. But, it is still most probably safe to consume. You should consider throwing it away only when other spoilage signs are visible.

2. Off-Smell: 

If the juice smells very sour like a beer, that means that the juice has already spoilt and needs to be discarded.

3. Bubble: 

If you notice bubbles floating on top of the juice, then you should figure out that it’s gone bad. Throw the juice away right now as bacteria have contaminated it.

4. Mold: 

When you choose to leave out the juice at room temperature for more than a few hours without placing it in the refrigerator, mold will gradually start to form.

Remember, in warm temperatures, bacteria can thrive and trigger the juice to begin growing molds. Once it happens, you are better off throwing it away.  

5: Weird taste: 

As we know celery juice doesn’t have the sweetest taste. But if it’s spoilt, it will taste horrible and you will spit it out right after taking a sip. So it should be discarded straight away.

How Do You Store Celery Juice?

As homemade celery juice goes bad after a couple of hours, you will have to store the juice properly to consume it fresh later.

Let’s get to know some tricks on how you can store your nutrient-dense celery juice:

  • For keeping the juice at room temperature, consider pouring it into an air-sealed container immediately after preparing to retain the quality of the juice.
  • Make sure you fill the jar up to the brim, preventing exposure to air that may spoil your juice.
  • If you want your celery juice to stay fresh for longer than 1 day, then you have to store it in the fridge in a sealed container. 

You can also choose to add some lime or lemon juice to the jar to help minimize nutrient loss. Citrus can also help decrease oxidation.

  • If you’re going to store the juice for more than 3 days, a freezer can help you out. In this case, make sure you put the juice into a freezer-safe airtight container and keep a little bit of space at the top while placing it in the freezer. Because this gap allows the juice to expand during freezing. 

Keep in mind that, freezing can decrease the nutrients and taste of your celery juice over time, but it can save you time when you are always on the go.

Is It Bad To Consume Celery Juice After 72 Hours?

Yes, it is. You should not drink your celery juice after you store it in the fridge for longer than 72 hours. You had better throw it away though it might still look fresh and drinkable.

As bacteria start growing after 72 hours, if you consume the juice, it may cause food poisonings like diarrhea, upset stomach, and vomiting. 

Plus, the juice will lose most of the nutrients after 3 days. You therefore will have to only drink untasty and unhealthy juice.

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How Long Does Celery Juice Last In A Mason Jar?

In a Mason jar, your celery juice will last for up to 2 days without refrigerating it. Because mason jars can be rubber-sealed which prevents oxygen from getting through. 

Make sure you keep the jar away from direct sunlight. Instead, consider placing it in a dark room. 

Apart from that, you can also extend the shelf life of the juice up to several months by keeping the jar in the fridge, but only if it is not opened when it remains in the fridge. 

Because opening the jar frequently to consume the juice could highly attract the bacteria that can cause the juice to go bad quickly. 

For storage, all you need to do is just keep the juice in a mason jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible to keep it fresh for a longer period of time. You can put the celery juice in a freezer for several months, too.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens when you drink celery juice for a week?

If you can drink just 16 oz of freshly made celery juice daily, it can improve your digestion and transform your health within only one week. 

The juice also helps purify the bloodstream, prevent acidosis and migraines, reduce blood pressure, as well as fix skin problems.

Does celery make you poop more?

An interesting fact is that a single cup of celery juice can contain 10% of the fiber that an average adult needs every single day. Thanks to its insoluble fiber that helps you get rid of constipation which is so annoying, right? 

Plus, celery is also loaded up with potassium and sodium content, it is, therefore, a natural diuretic. The juice is packed with magnesium that will also help to prevent and improve constipation as well as come things out along with the stool. 

Additionally, it plays plenty of other vital roles within your body to keep you healthy and fit.

What are the celery juice detox symptoms?

Some of the most common celery juice detox symptoms are as follows, Skin rash, Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Digestive issues like diarrhea and bloating, Feeling tired, and Flu-like symptoms.

How long do you have to drink celery juice to see results?

Experts suggest that you should try to continue drinking celery juice for 7 days at the least to get your desired results. But, I would suggest you drink it for at least 30 days to see any results. Because great things take time, right?

What is the side effect of celery juice?

Celery juice can cause allergic reactions like skin rashes and anaphylaxis to some people. It can also trigger sensitivity to the sun.

Is celery juice good for weight loss?

Definitely! Not only can celery juice help you lower inflammation, improve digestion, minimize bloating, improve eczema, fight infections strongly, prevent UTI prevention. But it can also help you lose weight if consumed in the right proportion.

Final Thoughts:

Well, there you have it, people. Now that you’ve got the skinny on how long celery juice lasts in the fridge.

To boil the article down, your nutrient-rich celery juice will last for around 2 to 3 days while kept in the fridge, and at room temperature, the juice can last for around 24 hours.

When you notice any discoloration, off smell, mold growth, and strange taste in the juice, you should understand that the juice has gone bad. 

Hence, the spoilt juice should be thrown away right off the bat if you don’t want to upset your stomach. Plus, since your celery juice will lose most of its nutrients, do not plan to drink it after 72 hours.

And, now it’s your turn. Did I miss anything in this article? Please do let me know in the comment box below so I can keep you updated. Happy juicing, thanks!!!

Celery juice is getting more and more popular day by day among health-conscious juice lovers. But why? Because every single drop of fresh celery juice can give your body an instant health boost as it is packed with calcium, potassium, as well as vitamins. That’s beneficial!

Celery juice that is unique in taste can also help your body to stay hydrated throughout the day. Though you may not like the taste when you consume it for the very first time, you will get used to it over time. 

As you’re into juicing celery, you might have wondered how long does celery juice last in the fridge, right? 

Simply put, if you place your juice in a refrigerator for later use, it can last for around 2 to 3 days. Try to keep the juice in the fridge as soon as possible to prolong its shelf life. 

How Long Last In The Freezer?

In the freezer, it will remain fresh for up to around 6 months if the jar is properly sealed. Mind you, if stored in the fridge, the juice will gradually lose its essential nutrients. 

This is exactly why I would always recommend you drink your fresh juice right after it’s been squeezed so you can get all the nutritional value of the juice. 

And, at room temperature, it can last for around 24 hours. But, if the temperature of your room is too hot, you cannot expect it to stay fresh for longer than just a few hours.

So, without further ado, let’s get to know a bit more about this topic!

The Shelf Life Of Celery Juice (Chart)


    Room Temperature
    2-3 Days6 Months  1 Day

Can Celery Juice Go Bad?

Of course, it can. Celery juice goes bad if you store it in the fridge or at room temperature for an extended period of time. 

Drinking celery juice that’s gone bad already will cause bloating to you. This is why it is recommended to consume the juice immediately after you blend it or in 24 hours to get the most out of it.

Now the question is, how do you know whether or not your celery juice has spoilt? 

Well, listed below are a few of the indicators you should pay attention to: 

How Long Does Celery Juice Last In The Fridge
Can Celery Juice Go Bad

1. Changes in color: 

Unless you drink the juice while being fresh, it will discolor over time and become darker. But, it is still most probably safe to consume. You should consider throwing it away only when other spoilage signs are visible.

2. Off-Smell: 

If the juice smells very sour like a beer, that means that the juice has already spoilt and needs to be discarded.

3. Bubble: 

If you notice bubbles floating on top of the juice, then you should figure out that it’s gone bad. Throw the juice away right now as bacteria have contaminated it.

4. Mold: 

When you choose to leave out the juice at room temperature for more than a few hours without placing it in the refrigerator, mold will gradually start to form.

Remember, in warm temperatures, bacteria can thrive and trigger the juice to begin growing molds. Once it happens, you are better off throwing it away.  

5: Weird taste: 

As we know celery juice doesn’t have the sweetest taste. But if it’s spoilt, it will taste horrible and you will spit it out right after taking a sip. So it should be discarded straight away.

How Do You Store Celery Juice?

As homemade celery juice goes bad after a couple of hours, you will have to store the juice properly to consume it fresh later.

Let’s get to know some tricks on how you can store your nutrient-dense celery juice:

  • For keeping the juice at room temperature, consider pouring it into an air-sealed container immediately after preparing to retain the quality of the juice.
  • Make sure you fill the jar up to the brim, preventing exposure to air that may spoil your juice.
  • If you want your celery juice to stay fresh for longer than 1 day, then you have to store it in the fridge in a sealed container. 

You can also choose to add some lime or lemon juice to the jar to help minimize nutrient loss. Citrus can also help decrease oxidation.

  • If you’re going to store the juice for more than 3 days, a freezer can help you out. In this case, make sure you put the juice into a freezer-safe airtight container and keep a little bit of space at the top while placing it in the freezer. Because this gap allows the juice to expand during freezing. 

Keep in mind that, freezing can decrease the nutrients and taste of your celery juice over time, but it can save you time when you are always on the go.

Is It Bad To Consume Celery Juice After 72 Hours?

Yes, it is. You should not drink your celery juice after you store it in the fridge for longer than 72 hours. You had better throw it away though it might still look fresh and drinkable.

As bacteria start growing after 72 hours, if you consume the juice, it may cause food poisonings like diarrhea, upset stomach, and vomiting. 

Plus, the juice will lose most of the nutrients after 3 days. You therefore will have to only drink untasty and unhealthy juice.

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How Long Does Celery Juice Last In A Mason Jar?

In a Mason jar, your celery juice will last for up to 2 days without refrigerating it. Because mason jars can be rubber-sealed which prevents oxygen from getting through. 

Make sure you keep the jar away from direct sunlight. Instead, consider placing it in a dark room. 

Apart from that, you can also extend the shelf life of the juice up to several months by keeping the jar in the fridge, but only if it is not opened when it remains in the fridge. 

Because opening the jar frequently to consume the juice could highly attract the bacteria that can cause the juice to go bad quickly. 

For storage, all you need to do is just keep the juice in a mason jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible to keep it fresh for a longer period of time. You can put the celery juice in a freezer for several months, too.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens when you drink celery juice for a week?

If you can drink just 16 oz of freshly made celery juice daily, it can improve your digestion and transform your health within only one week. 

The juice also helps purify the bloodstream, prevent acidosis and migraines, reduce blood pressure, as well as fix skin problems.

Does celery make you poop more?

An interesting fact is that a single cup of celery juice can contain 10% of the fiber that an average adult needs every single day. Thanks to its insoluble fiber that helps you get rid of constipation which is so annoying, right? 

Plus, celery is also loaded up with potassium and sodium content, it is, therefore, a natural diuretic. The juice is packed with magnesium that will also help to prevent and improve constipation as well as come things out along with the stool. 

Additionally, it plays plenty of other vital roles within your body to keep you healthy and fit.

What are the celery juice detox symptoms?

Some of the most common celery juice detox symptoms are as follows, Skin rash, Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Digestive issues like diarrhea and bloating, Feeling tired, and Flu-like symptoms.

How long do you have to drink celery juice to see results?

Experts suggest that you should try to continue drinking celery juice for 7 days at the least to get your desired results. But, I would suggest you drink it for at least 30 days to see any results. Because great things take time, right?

What is the side effect of celery juice?

Celery juice can cause allergic reactions like skin rashes and anaphylaxis to some people. It can also trigger sensitivity to the sun.

Is celery juice good for weight loss?

Definitely! Not only can celery juice help you lower inflammation, improve digestion, minimize bloating, improve eczema, fight infections strongly, prevent UTI prevention. But it can also help you lose weight if consumed in the right proportion.

Final Thoughts:

Well, there you have it, people. Now that you’ve got the skinny on how long celery juice lasts in the fridge.

To boil the article down, your nutrient-rich celery juice will last for around 2 to 3 days while kept in the fridge, and at room temperature, the juice can last for around 24 hours.

When you notice any discoloration, off smell, mold growth, and strange taste in the juice, you should understand that the juice has gone bad. 

Hence, the spoilt juice should be thrown away right off the bat if you don’t want to upset your stomach. Plus, since your celery juice will lose most of its nutrients, do not plan to drink it after 72 hours.

And, now it’s your turn. Did I miss anything in this article? Please do let me know in the comment box below so I can keep you updated. Happy juicing, thanks!!!

About author


Funny and Friendly. Got a lot of time to cook and do experiment in cooking. Also Health-conscious try different types of juice for a healthy life.
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